Health Packages

Popular Checkup Packages

Allergy Profile

Test Code: P0001
Investigations: (Vegeterian + Non Vegitetrian+ Inhalants+ Drugs)
Sample: Serum (2 mL)
Method: ELISA
Test Frequency: 1, 4
Reported On: Third Day
MRP: Rs.5950/-


Test Code: P0002
Sample: Serum (2 mL)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.2900 /-


Test Code: P0003
Investigations: CAPSULE I (25 Para)

Sample: Serum (5 mL)
Method: Immunoblot
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Fourth Day
MRP: Rs.4500 /-


Test Code: P0004
Investigations: CAPSULE II (17 Para)
Sample: Serum (5 ml)
Method: Immunoblot
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Fourth Day
MRP: Rs.3200/-

Ante Natal Profile Max

Test Code: P0008
Investigations: (ABO & RH, CBC, RBS, HIV,HBsAg, UrineRoutine,VDRL,HCV (Rapid)
Sample: Serum (2 ml),WB EDTA (3 ml),NaF Plasma (1 ml),Urine (5 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, Agglutination, CC,Microscopi
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.850/-

Ante Natal Profile Mini

Test Code: P0009
Investigations: (CBC, ABO & RH, RBS, VDRL, Urine R/M)
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WBEDTA (3 ml), NaF Plasma (1 ml), Urine (5 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, Agglutination, CC,Microscopic
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.430 /-

Anti Cardiolipin Profile

Test Code: P0010
Investigations: (IgA, IgG, IgM)- ACLA
Sample: Serum (3mL)
Method: ELISA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.1650 /-

Anti Phospholipid Antibody Profile

Test Code: P0011
Investigations: (Anti Phospholipid Ab IgG & IgM, Anti Cardiolipin Ab IgG & IgM, Lupus Anticoagulant)
Sample: Serum (2 ml), Plasma Citrate (1mL)
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.2700/-

Anti Thyroid Antibodies

Test Code: P0012
Investigations: (AMA + ATG) Profile
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.2100/-

Arthritis Profile Mini

Test Code: P0013
Investigations: ANA, RA Factor, CRP, ASO, Uric Acid, Urine R/M
Sample: Serum (2 ml), Urine(5ml)
Method: ELISA, Agglutionati on, Spectrophot ometry
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.1400 /-

Arthritis Profile Max

Test Code: P0014
Investigations: (ANA Elisa, Anti CCP, CRP Quant, Calcium, Phosphorous, Uric Acid, ASO Titre, CBC, HLA B-27 Flow, RA Factor Quant, Vit D 25 OH
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WB EDTA (3 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, CC, Agglutination, Microscopy, ELISA, CLIA, Flowcytometry
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.3500/-

Blood Coagulation Profile

Test Code: P0017
Investigations: (PT, APTT, Platelets, BT/ CT)
Sample: WB EDTA (3ml), Plasma Citrated (1 ml)
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.650/-

Breast Cancer Marker Profile

Test Code: P0018
Investigations: CA 15.3, CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen)
Sample: Serum (2 mL)
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.1500/-

Electrolytes Profile

Test Code: P0041
Investigations: (Na, K,Cl)
Sample: Serum (1 ml)
Method: ISE
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.350/-

ENA Profile

Test Code: P0042
Investigations: Extended (25Para)
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: ELISA
Test Frequency: 1, 4
Reported On: Fourth Day
MRP: Rs.5850 /-

Fever Profile Max

Test Code: P0043
Investigations: (CBC, ESR, Widal, Blood Smear, Total.Bilirubin, SGPT, Urine R/M, TYPHI DOT IgG IgM, Malaria Parasite, Urine R/M)
Sample: Serum (2ml), WBEDTA (3ml), Urine(30ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, Microscopy, CC, AGGLUTINATION
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.800/-

Fever Profile Mini

Test Code: P0044
Investigations: (CBC, ESR, Widal,Malaria Parasite , Urine R/M)
Sample: WB EDTA (3 ml),Serum (2 ml) Urine (30 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, Microscopy,Aggutination, CC
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.550/-

Free Thyroid Profile

Test Code: P0045
Investigations: (FT3,FT4, TSH)
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.680/-

Hepatitis Profile

Test Code: P0046
Investigations: (HAV IgM, HBs Ag, HBc IgM, HBc T, HBeT, HBs T, HCV T, HBeAg, HEV IgM)
Sample: Serum (1 ml)
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Third Day
MRP: Rs.4500 /-

Hirustism Profile

Test Code: P0047
Investigations: (LH, FSH, PRL,DHEAS, TSH , Testosterone T)
Sample: Serum (2ml)
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.1750 /-

Hypertension Profile

Test Code: P0048
Investigations: (Kidney Profile Mini, Lipid Profile, Blood Sugar Fasting, TSH, HbA1C, CBC)
Sample: Serum,PlasmaF (1ml),Urine (30 ml)
Method: Spectro, IHC, Microscopy
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.1150/

Immunoglobin Profile

Test Code: P0049
Investigations: (IgG,IgM, IgA)
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.1400/-

Infertility Profile Mini

Test Code: P0050
Investigations: (LH, FSH, PRL)
Sample: Serum (2ml)
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.990 /-

Infertility Profile MAX

Test Code: P0051
Investigations: (LH, FSH, PRL, E2, TSH, Testosterone Total, Progesterone, DHEAS, BETA HCG)
Sample: Serum (2 mL), Fluride (1 mL),EDTA (3 mL), Urine (30mL)
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: RI
MRP: Rs.3500 /-

Immunoglobin Profile

Test Code: P0049
Investigations: (IgG,IgM, IgA)
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.1400/-

Infertility Profile Mini

Test Code: P0050
Investigations: (LH, FSH, PRL)
Sample: Serum (2ml)
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.990 /-

Infertility Profile MAX

Test Code: P0051
Investigations: (LH, FSH, PRL, E2, TSH, Testosterone Total, Progesterone, DHEAS, BETA HCG)
Sample: Serum (2 mL), Fluride (1 mL),EDTA (3 mL), Urine (30mL)
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: RI
MRP: Rs.3500 /-

Iron Profile

Test Code: P0052
Investigations: (Iron, TIBC, Iron saturation Index)
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.950/-

Kidney Profile Max

Test Code: P0053
Investigations: (Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Na, K, CL, Calcium, Phosphorous, Egfr)
Sample: Serum (2ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.650/-

Kidney Profile Mini

Test Code: P0054
Investigations: (Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Calcium, Egfr)
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.350 /-

Lipid Profile

Test Code: P0055
Investigations: (TotalCholesterol, Triglycerides High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL),VLDL, LDL/HDL Ratio)
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.530 /-

Liver Profile

Test Code: P0056
Investigations: (Bilirubin (Total, Direct,Indirect), Aspartarte aminotransferase(AST/SGOT), Alanine Aminotranferase (ALT/SGPT), Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Gamma Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT), Total Protein, Globulin, Albumin, A/G ratio)
Sample: Serum (2ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.650/-

Maternal - Double Marker

Test Code: P0057
Investigations: (Papp-A, Beta-HCG Free) First trimester test (10 to 13.6 weeks)
Sample: Serum (3 ml)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: RRs.2250/-

Maternal - Quadruple Marker

Test Code: P0058
Investigations: (AFP, hCG, uE3,Inhibin A) 2nd trimester test (15 to 21 weeks)
Sample: Serum (3 ml)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.3450 /-

Lipid Profile

Test Code: P0059
Investigations: (b-HCG, AFP, E3) 2nd trimester test (15 to 21 weeks)
Sample: Serum (3 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.2000 /-

Multiple Myeloma Screening Profile

Test Code: P0060
Investigations: Immunoglobulin Profile (IgG, IgM, IgA), Immunofixation Electrophoresis, Kappa / Lambda Free Light Chain Ratio, Protein / Serum Electrophoresis
Sample: Spectrophotometry /Electrophorisis
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Fourth Day
MRP: Rs.11500/-

Ovarian Cancer Marker Profile

Test Code: P0061
Investigations: (BetaHCG Total, CA- 125, AFP, CA 19.9)
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.2500/-

Ovarian Reserve Profile

Test Code: P0062
Investigations: LH, FSH, Prolactin, E2, TSH, Testosterone Total & Free, Progestrone, AMH
Sample: Serum (3 ml)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.3400 /-

PCOD Profile MAX

Test Code: P0063
Investigations: LH, FSH, Prolactin, E2, TSH, Insulin (F),Testosterone Total, Progestrone,DHEA- SO4, AMH
Sample: Serum (3 ml)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.4000 /-


Test Code: P0064
Investigations: LH, FSH, Prolactin, Testosterone Total, TSH, DHEA - SO4
Sample: Serum (3 ml)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.3000/-

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Test Code: P0065
Investigations: (PCOS/PCOD) (LH, FSH, PRL, DHEAs, Testosterone, Insulin F
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.1900/-

Pre-Operative Profile

Test Code: P0066
Investigations: (CBC, ABO & RH, FBS, HIV, HbsAg, HCV, VDRL, PT/INR, APTT)
Sample: Serum (2 ml), NaF-Plasma (1ml), WB-EDTA (3ml)
Method: CC,Aggulutination, Rapid, Spectrophotometry
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.1200 /-


Test Code: P0067
Investigations: Serum Albumin, Ascitic Albumin Gradient
Sample: Serum (2 mL), fluid(2 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.250 /-

STD Detection Profile

Test Code: P0068
Investigations: LH, FSH, Prolactin, Testosterone Total, TSH, DHEA- SO4
Sample: Serum (3 ml)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.1500/-

Thallasemia Profile

Test Code: P0069
Investigations: (CBC, PS, ESR, TotalIron, TIBC, Ferritin, Hb Electrophoresis)
Sample: WB-EDTA (3ml), Serum (1 ml)
Method: CC, Electrophoresis, Spectrophtometry
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.1900/-

Thrombophilia Profile

Test Code: P0070
Investigations: Anti Throm-III, Protein C, Protein S
Sample: Plasma Citrate(2 mL)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Third Day
MRP: Rs.10000 /-

Thyroid Profile

Test Code: P0071
Investigations: (T3, T4, TSH)
Sample: Serum (2 mL)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.600/-

TORCH Profile – 4 IgG

Test Code: P0073
Investigations: (Rubella IgG, Toxoplasma IgG, Herpes Simplex Virus(HSV) IgG, Cytomegalo virus (CMV) -IgG )
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: ELISA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.1130/-

TORCH Profile – 4 IgM

Test Code: P0074
Investigations: (Rubella IgM, Toxoplasma IgM, Herpes Simplex Virus(HSV) IgM, Cytomegalo virus (CMV) -IgM)
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: ELISA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.960/-

TORCH Profile – 5 IgG

Test Code: P0075
Investigations: (Rubella IgG, Toxoplasma IgG, Herpes Simplex Virus(HSV)1&2 IgG, Cytomegalo virus(CMV) – IgG)
Sample: Serum (2 mL)
Method: ELISA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.1130 /-

TORCH Profile – 5 IgM

Test Code: P0076
Investigations: (Rubella IgM, Toxoplasma IgM, Herpes Simplex Virus(HSV) 1&2 IgM, Cytomegalo virus(CMV) – IgM)
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: ELISA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.1130/-

TORCH Profile -08

Test Code: P0077
Investigations: 8 (IgG& IgM) Toxoplasma – IgG, IgM, Cytomegalo virus (CMV) – IgG, IgM Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) IgG, IgM Rubella – IgG IgM
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: ELISA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.1800 /-

TORCH Profile -10

Test Code: P0078
Investigations: (IgG& IgM) Toxoplasma – IgG, IgM, Cytomegalo virus (CMV) – IgG, IgM Herpes Simplex 1&2 Virus (HSV) IgG, IgM Rubella – IgG IgM
Sample: Serum (2 mL)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Next Day
MRP: Rs.2130/-

Vitamin Camp Profle

Test Code: P0080
Investigations: (Vitamin D 25 OH +Vitanin B12)
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: CLIA
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.1500 /-

LabExpert 1.1

Test Code: LE001
Investigations: CBC +ESR, LiverProfile (LFT), Kidney Profile Max , Lipid Profile, Thyroid Profile, Glucose (F)
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WBEDTA (3 ml), NaF Plasma (1ml )
Method: Spectrophotometry, CellCounter Microscopy
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.1500 /-

LabExpert 1.2

Test Code: LE002
Investigations: (CBC +ESR, HbA1c, Kidney Profile Max , Lipid Profile,Liver Profile (LFT) , Thyroid Profile, Iron Profile, Glucose (F)
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WB EDTA (3 ml), NaF Plasma (1ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, CellCounter Microscopy
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.1750/-

LabExpert 1.3

Test Code: LE003
Investigations: CBC + ESR, HbA1c, Kidney Profile Max, Lipid Profile, Liver Profile (LFT), Thyroid Profile, Iron Profile, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D 25, Glucose (F), Urine Analysis
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WB EDTA (3 ml), NaF Plasma (1ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, CellCounter Microscop
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.2300/-

LabExpert 1.4

Test Code: LE004
Investigations: CBC, HbA1c, Kidney Profile Max, Lipid Profile, LFT, Thyroid Profile, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D 25, Rheumatoid Factor (Quantitative), Glucose (F)
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WB EDTA (3 ml), NaF Plasma (1 ml)
Method: Spectrophot ometry, Cell Counter Microscopy
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.2600 /-

LabExpert 1.5

Test Code: LE005
Investigations: CBC, HbA1c ,Kidney Profile Max , Lipid Profile, Liver Profile (LFT), Thyroid Profile,Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D 25, Rheumatoid Factor (Quantitative),CRP Quantitative, Glucose (F)
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WB EDTA (3 ml), NaF Plasma (1ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, CellCounter Microscopy
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.2900/-

LabExpert 1.6

Test Code: LE003
Investigations: CBC+ESR, HbA1c ,Kidney Profile Max , Lipid Profile,Liver Profile (LFT), Thyroid Profile, Iron Profile ,Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D 25, Glucose (F), Microalbumin / Creatinine Ratio (Random), Urine R/M (Urine Analysis)
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WB EDTA (3 ml), NaF Plasma (1ml), Urine (5 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, Agglutination, CC, Microscopic
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.3300/-

LabExpert 1.7

Test Code: LE007
Investigations: CBC +ESR, HbA1c ,Kidney Profile Max , Lipid Profile, Liver Profile (LFT), Thyroid Profile, Iron Profile,Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D25,AP0 A/ APO B Ratio, TestosteroneTotal, Rheumatoid Factor(Quantitative), CRP, Homocystine, Microalbumin / Creatinine Ratio (Random), Urine Analysis
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WB EDTA (3 ml), NaF Plasma (1ml), Urine (5 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, Agglutination, CC, Microscopic
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.4200/-

LabExpert 2.1

Test Code: LE008
Investigations: CBC, Kidney Profile Mini, Liver Profile (LFT),Lipid Profile, Thyroid Profile
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WB EDTA (3 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, Agglutination, CC, Microscopic
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.1300 /-

LabExpert 2.2

Test Code: LE009
Investigations: CBC, HbA1c, Kidney Profile Mini, Liver Profile (LFT),LipidProfile, Thyroid Profile , Iron Profile Basic
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WB EDTA (3 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, Agglutination, CC, Microscopic
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.1700/-

LabExpert 2.3

Test Code: LE010
Investigations: CBC, HbA1c, Kidney Profile Mini, Liver Profile (LFT), LipidProfile, Thyroid Profile, Iron Profile, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D 25
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WB EDTA (3 ml)
Method: Spectrophot ometry, Agglutination, CC, Microscopic
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.2300/-

LabExpert Advance

Test Code: LE011
Investigations: CBC, HbA1c, Iron Profile, Kidney Profile Mini, LipidProfile, Liver Profile (LFT), ThyroidProfile, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D 25, Amylase, Lipase
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WB EDTA (3 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, Agglutination, CC, Microscopic
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.3500 /-

LabExpert Basic Profile

Test Code: LE012
Investigations: CBC, Kidney Profile Max, LipidProfile, Liver Profile(LFT), Thyroid Profile, Iron
Sample: Serum (2 ml), WB EDTA (3 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry, Agglutination, CC, Microscopic
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.1700/-

LabExpert Routine Profile

Test Code: LE013
Investigations: IronProfile , Liver Profile (LFT), Kidney Profile Max , Lipid Profile, Thyroid Profile, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D 25
Sample: Serum (2 ml)
Method: Spectrophotometry
Test Frequency: Daily
Reported On: Same Day
MRP: Rs.2500/-